Business [Paul Hollingshead] AWAI’s Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting


Pirate Club
5 Ноя 2017
Right off the bat, you’ll be eased into the life of a copywriter.
  • You’ll learn what the copywriting business is all about … what you’ll need to get started … what the industry expects from you (and what you can expect from it) … how you get paid … and more.
  • You’ll learn how to write masterful headlines that grab your readers’ attention and force them to keep on reading.
  • You’ll learn the four-part structure of every sales letter. Once you know it – and understand what each part must accomplish – it’s just a matter of filling in the blanks.
  • You’ll learn the secret to a powerful lead – an opening so irresistible that your reader will want to buy what you’re selling after reading the first two pages.
  • You’ll learn the secret of “The Four-Legged-Stool.” Use it faithfully and you’ll never write a bad letter.
  • You’ll learn “The Architecture of Persuasion” – Mark’s innovative technique for knowing how every successful letter needs to be structured … and the surest way to lead your reader to the sale.
  • You’ll learn how to “speak” directly to your reader … and show that you truly care about his or her worries, needs, and wants. It’s amazing how many letters don’t do this … and fail.
  • You’ll learn how to critique your own work … and a “power-editing” technique that will guarantee your letter is the strongest it can be, time after time.
  • You’ll learn the secret to creating powerful “bullet copy” … purposeful subheads … eye-catching envelope copy … and an order form that’s virtually assured to clinch the sale.
  • Although professional artists will design your letters, you’ll learn the key elements of winning graphics – and the biggest design mistakes that can sabotage even the best copy.
  • You’ll learn the one thing you can do to guarantee your first assignment with a major company. (This little trick for getting your foot in the door never, ever fails!)
  • You’ll learn how to get yourself “seeded” … so you can see everything that’s mailing and know what’s working and what’s not.
  • You’ll learn how to get on all the best industry mailing lists … so you’ll always know what’s “hot” in the mail … who’s hiring … and who the up-and-coming players are. (Will you be one of them?)
You’ll learn all these and many, many more powerful writing secrets, selling techniques, and masterful insights into the art of persuasion … from some of the best copywriting minds in the business.

One of my favorite techniques is something called “The Barstool test”. It’s all about writing the way you’d talk to a friend … over a drink … at a bar. Forget the big words, the flowery language … the dramatic prose … The barstool test is one of the most powerful secrets for writing great sales letters, because it ensures a strong, personal rapport with your reader.

That’s why one of the first things you’ll learn when you take the AWAI program is to forget everything you’ve learned about traditional writing … and just write the way you’d talk to a friend about something you’re passionate about! What could be easier than that?



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